
Cassiar Gold recognizes the environment as a high-priority asset within our planning initiatives.
We are privileged to work in areas of existing biodiversity in flora and fauna, and to be surrounded by natural waterways. Our collaborations with groups such as Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society, Keefer Ecological Services and local First Nations communities maintain our position at the ever-evolving front of environmental management.

Through adaptations to our waste, water, and natural resource management, we can eliminate or mitigate negative impacts to the environment or even provide positive impacts to existing systems. These efforts include water quality sampling, studies to ensure we are not damaging the habitat of the endangered Little Brown Bat, and wildlife management plans. Our team has received training and education in watershed system management, bear awareness and risk reduction, as well as stream sampling and monitoring procedures.

We are proud of our ongoing dedication to site reclamation and have reclaimed many sites within our project boundaries through waste removal, hydrocarbon inventory and removal, and revegetation. When the creation of new disturbance is necessary for our work programs, we operate under strict guidelines with respect to riparian areas, tree removal, and access roads.
The historic Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs) on the project are maintained under thorough regulations and undergo annual third-party reviews to ensure we mitigate all potential risks to the environment and the public.
It is up to us to decide on the legacy that we will leave on the environment, and we are constantly working hard to ensure we make a positive impact.